Learn to be
Stream Smart

A great day at the Maine Sustainability & Water Conference today. Finally had the opportunity to meet many of the people that belong to the faces I see on zoom and met many new partners.
I was struck by the level of professionalism and knowledge in the auditorium.
There are a few workshops coming up for Stream Smart Crossings. If you are interested in learning more about aquatic organism passages in Maine, you should attend. Over the last few years there has been many stream miles opened back up for native brook trout and Atlantic Salmon.

207-781-2330 ext. 219.


The next workshop is in Dover Tuesday April 25th at 8:30 am. Register in advance Come learn about the hard work being done in the woods of Maine to help restore our forests for future generations.

If you are like me you have a deep love of the Maine woods. I have walked many streams and I had always thought of myself as a “friend” of nature. After this workshop you may come away with a better understanding of what a true friend of nature is. Although I may have seen many barriers for aquatic organisms, I never really noticed it or thought about it as a problem.

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